Juvenal Souza Neto Institute
Email :
Dental Address : Rua Aquidaban, 634, sl 05, America CEP 89201-652
Joinville - SC Brazil
Phone number : +55 47 988 052 539
Website :
Biography sketch
Juvenal Souza Neto is a world renowned dental ceramist and international speaker.
He graduated as a dental technician in 1986 and soon specialized in dental ceramics.
During his 33 years as a ceramist he developed techniques and products related to the prosthesis. He is specialized in pink ceramics and recognized as "the father of Dentogengival", (special oral rehabilitation for mutilated persons) as he had developed this technique prosthetics.
Mr. Souza Neto is recognized for his ability of planning and naturalness of dental arrangement.
- Dental Technician - Dental Hygienist
- Oral Design Member
- DSD Master - Master in Ceramics
- Dental Hygienist
- Juvenal Souza Neto Institute's CEO
- School Improvement Ceramics (Joinville - SC - Brazil)
- Director of the Juvenal Souza Neto Institute (Joinville/SC - Brazil)
- Technical Consultant Pottery Creation
- Lecturer courses in the prosthesis area (more than 200 lectures around the world)
- DSD Master - Author of the book "Esthetic Dentistry and Fixed Prosthodontics dentogengival"
- Co-author of "Update on Prosthodontics" the 9th Congress Paulista technicians in Prosthodontics
- Co-author of the book Publisher Napoleon "Reconstructing Smile: Science, Art and Technology" of the 14th
- International Technical Congress in Prosthodontics
- Co-author of the Book Publisher Quintessence "Rehabilitation Aesthetic and Functional Ceramics Restorations with"
Cap. 7-Search Morphogenetic and smiling Architecture - Fundamental Tools in Complex Case Resolution.
- Participation in the book of Article Lab-line
- Participation in the books of Ateliê Oral “Smile Architecture” and “Smile Architecture and a Brand Construction”
- International Speaker about Oral Rehabilitation
- Technical consultant of ceramics Creation by Willi Geller and Initial by GC
- Creator of the Dentogingival Technique and author the first book about the theme published in portuguese and spanish.
- Collaborator and co-author of chapters of national and international dentistry books and articles.
Developed Products
2014 - Wax Teeth - Used to oral rehabilitation planning. Formaden, Curitiba/PR, Brazil.
2013 - Arrangement model - Used to study and planning.
2011 - Bumpers Twin Flash - Dental photography accessory.
2010 - Rule for Oral Rehabilitation Rule Used to oral rehabilitation planning.
2008 - Wax colors for planning oral prothesis. Formaden, Curitiba, Brazil.
2008 - PINFLEX - Model Die System
List of publications
- Ernesti B. Benalcázar Jalkh; Juvenal de Souza Neto; Edmara T. P. Bergamo; Camila F. Maia; Estevam Bonfante.
Mechanical testeing of four-unit implant prostheses with extensive pink gingiva porcelain: The dentogingival prostheses
proof of concept. JERD - Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry. Dental Materials, 36, 2020.
- Best of Labline 2020 . Dentogingival Rehabilitation - Steps to simplify the process.
Portuguese. São Paulo, Santos Publications, 2020.
JUVENAL. Dentogingival Rehabilitation - Steps to simplify the processÄb0. Labline, autumn 2019.
- SOUZA NETO, J.; ROSA, D. M. Fixed Dentogingival Meloceramic Prosthesis: An Option in Aesthetic Solutions. APDCR.
São Paulo, p.10 - 10, 2000. Brasil/Portuguese.
- VILLARROEL, M.; SOUZA NETO, J. Prosthetic Dentogengival Reconstruction based in Anatomical Planning.
Labline Magazine, p.44 - 50, 2015. Language: English
- SOUZA NETO, J.; ROSA, D. M. Dentogingival Prosthesis.
- Nobel Biocare Hoje. , 1999. Language: Brasil/Portuguese.
- Minimally Invasive Reconstruction in Implant Therapy: The Prosthetic Gingival Restoration.
Article by: Christian Coachman, CCD, CDT, Eric Van Dooren, DDS, Galip Gurel, DDS, MS, Marcelo A.
Calamita, DDS, MSc, PhD, Murilo Calgaro, CDT, Juvenal de Souza Neto, CDT. Quintessence of Dental Technology. Online:
Published Books
STRUCTURESÄb0. São Paulo: Santos Publications, 2021, v.1. p. 263,
Language: Brazil/Portuguese ISBN: 978-65990183-4-3
- 2004 SOUZA NETO, J.Äb0; ROSA, D. M.; ZARDO, C. M. Aesthetic Dentistry and Dentogingival Fixed Prosthesis - spanish.
Caracas: Amolca, 2004, v.1. p.305. Language: Spanish ISBN: 9806574095
- 2003 ROSA, D. M.; ZARDO, C. M.; SOUZA NETO, J. Aesthetic Dentistry and Dentogingival Fixed Prosthesis - portuguese.
São Paulo: Artes Médicas, 2003, v.1. p.305. Language: Brazil/Portuguese ISBN: 8574040894 *PDF available on-line to
free download on (public dominium):
Books' Chapters contributed
- CALLICHIO, L.; KYRILLOS, M.; MOREIRA, M.; NHONCANCE, W.; GIORDANI, G.; SOUZA NETO, J. Complexity level IV - Clinical Case 5 In: The Smile Architeture and How to build a Label. 1 ed. São Paulo/Brasil :
Quintessence, 2017, v.1, p. 298- 311.
Keywords: Estética Odontológica, Odontologia Estética - Knowledge areas : Dentistry Brasil/Portuguese.
ISBN: 9788578891077
CABRAL, F.; FOLGUERAS, D. In: Manual Quintessence of Technology - Dental & Digital.1 ed.São Paulo :
Quintessence, 2015, v.1, p. 129-151.
Brasil/Portuguese. ISBN: 9788578890605
- SOUZA NETO, J.Äb0; BUENO, A. C. In: Rebuilding the Smile - Science, Art and Technology. Marcos Celestrino e
Munenobu Oshiro.
Chapter 7 - Oral Rehabilitation Planning. 1 ed. São Paulo: Napoleão, 2015, v.1, p. 207-245. ISBN: 978-85-60842-91-9 -
Brasil/Portuguese. ISBN: 9788560842919
- PAOLUCCI, B.; SOUZA NETO, J. In: Visagism - The art of personalize a Smile
(a Arte de Personalizar o Desenho do Sorriso).1, 2011, v.1, p. 126-135. - Additional references : Brasil/Portuguese.
ISBN: 9788564761025
- KYRILLOS, M.; MOREIRA, M.; CALLICHIO, L.; SOUZA NETO, J. In: The Smile Architeture - Marcelo Kyrillos, Martcelo
Moreira e Luis Calicchio. São Paulo: Quintessence, 2013 - Keywords: Estética Odontológica, Odontologia Estética
Knowledge areas: Dentistry. Brasil/Portuguese. Meio de divulgação: Impresso, ISBN:9788578890001
List of presentations
List of hands-on courses
Clinical case photos
Symposium Lecture, Hands-on Courses History