Thilo Vock
Oral Design Center
Email :
Dental Address : Alexanderstrasse 107 D-70180 Stuttgart Germany
Phone number : +49 711 234 9128
Cell Phone : +49 172 713 9290
Fax : +49 711 234 9129
Website :
Biography sketch
1983 Head of Laboratory in a multidisciplinary dental surgery in Stuttgart
1988 Master dental technician
Since 1989 (Highly requested and Profiled) lecturer and course Instructor
Inspiration and support by Willy Geller and his oral design colleages and friends gave me a massive boost in philosophy, knowledge and orientation In the developing high-end dental world.
Appointed Member of oral design in 1992 I tried to pass my skills and convictions on to dental technicians and dentists.
Founded the laboratory and course center „0ral design - ästhetisch-funktionelle Zahntechnik“ in Stuttgart in 1994.
Founding member of the dental excellence international laboratory group
Founding member of ÄfZ Arbeitskreis für ästhetisch-funktionelle Zahnheilkunde
Member of DGÄZ
Member of ADT
Founding member of European Academy of Dental Technology (EADT)
Certified Specialist of European Dental Association (EDA)
List of publications
Hotetu Rinnsyo (Prosthodontic Clinic )/ September 2015 Issue
(Abutment tooth formation and restoration treatment for all-ceramic treatment)
Dr. Cyrus Rafiy・Ztm. Thilo Vock
List of presentations
-Advanced Pfm techniques in frontal and lateral Crowns/bridgework, full ceramic restoration , veneers, zirconia,
List of hands-on courses
-Focus on communication in the restorative triangle: patient/dentist/ technician
-Material science and optical understanding of dental ceramics
Clinical case photos
Symposium Lecture, Hands-on Courses History