Giuseppe Romeo,CMDT
List of publications
- Coauthor with Douglas Terry and Willi Geller of the new version book Odontoiatria Estetica e Ricostruttiva.
Edited by Quintessence, Italian version. 2013.
- G. Romeo. A. Harounian. Cooperation between the dental office and the laboratory. Managing an esthetic case after the
patient has declined orthodontics. Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry JCD ,vol. 29 issue 3, 2013.
- G. Romeo. Double Incisal Wall, Tecnique in Ceramic Layering. Spectrum Dialogue 2013: V10, n°8, 20-28.
- J. Phark, G. Romeo, Dental Anatomical Combination: A Guide to ultimate Dental Esthetics.
Quintessence of Dental Technology (QDT) 2013: 183-303.
- G. Romeo. Ceramic Layering Using a Double Incisal Wall. PPD (Premium Practice Dentistry) 2011. 8:117-120.
- D. Massironi, G. Romeo, R. Pascetta. “Ceramica Integrale Pressofusa. Vitalità: riprodurre con I materiali a nostra
disposizione, creando la vitalità che esiste solo in natura. Quintessenza odontotecnica 2011. 5: 32-40.
- G. Romeo, Tecnica de doble pared de incisal en ceramica estradificada. Alta tecnica Dental 2011, n°65: 38-41.
- D. Terry, W. Geller, G.Romeo. Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry, Material Selection & Tecnique.
2009 book edited by Quintessence.
- D. Massironi, R. Pascetta, G. Romeo Klinische und labortechnische verfahren fur prazision in dentaler asthetic.
Quintessence UPDATE 2009,
- G. Romeo. Stratificazione in ceramica con la tecnica del doppio sandwich. Dental Dialogue 2008. 1: 92-96.
- G. Romeo. The double sandwich technique in ceramic layering.
Practical Procedures & Aesthetic Dentistry (PPAD). 2008, vol. 20, n°4: 221-223.
- G. Romeo. Ricostruzione della forma nelle varie combinazioni dentali. Quintessenza Inernazionale (QI) 2007, vol.5: 7-18.
- G.Romeo. Reconstruction of Tooth Form in Various Anatomical ToothCombination. eLABORATE Australia. 2007: 4, 30-36
- G.Romeo. Reconstruction of Tooth Form in Various Anatomical Tooth Combination.
Quintessence Journal of Dental Technology: QJDT. 2007: vol. 4, 446-456.
- G. Romeo, M. Bresciano. Bonding Ceramic Restoration: a diagnostic and technical approach.
QDT Japanese version: Quintessence of Dental Technology. 2005; 1: 31-38.
- G. Romeo, M. Bresciano. Bonding Ceramic Restoration: a diagnostic and technical approach.
QDT: Quintessence of Dental Technology. 2004; vol.27: 67-76.
- G. Romeo. Restaurazioni Adesive in Ceramica: Approccio Tecnico Diagnostico. Quintessenza Odontotecnica 2004; 1: 1-10.
- G. Romeo. Geklebter Keramik-Zahnersatz. Quintessence 2004. 8: 866-876
- G. Romeo. Restaurazioni Adesive in Ceramica: Approccio Tecnico Diagnostico. Quintessenza Odontotecnica 2004; 1: 1-10.
- Massironi, R. Pascetta, G. Romeo. Book: Esthetic and Precision, 2004. Quintessenze International Publishing Books.
- G. Romeo, M. Bresciano. Bonding Ceramic Restoration: a diagnostic and technical approach.
QDT: Quintessence of Dental Technology. 2004; vol.27: 67-76.
- G. Romeo, M. Bresciano. Diagnostic and technical approach to esthetic rehabilitation.
JERD: Journal of Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry. 2003; 15: 204-216.
- G. Romeo. I materiali estetici ceramici. Odontoiatria Rivista degli Amici di Brugg. 2003; 12: 281- 287.
- G. Romeo. Contorno additivo delle veneers adesive per preservare lo smalto e l’estetica.
Il Nuovo Laboratorio Odontotecnico. 2002; 8: 37-48.
- G. Romeo: Diagnosi ed estetica in protesi fissa. Il Nuovo Laboratorio Odontotecnico. 2002; 7:26-32.
- D. Massironi. G. Romeo. Provisionalization as a communication parameter for definitive restoration.
PPAD: Practical Periodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry. 2002; 14: 301- 305.
- M. Magne, G. Romeo. Intérets d’une relation directe entre le prothesiste dentaire et le patient.
Realite Cliniques. 2001; 12: 277- 290.
- G. Romeo. Aesthetic stratification of metal ceramic crown restorations for natural manipulation of light.
PPAD: Practical Periodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry. 2001; 13: 411- 415.
- G. Romeo. The diagnostic provisional as a basis for improved esthetics. Dental Dialogue. 2001; 6: 470- 483.
- G. Romeo. Systematics and individuality are not mutually exclusive. Part II. Dental Dialogue. 2001; 3: 24-28.
- G. Romeo. Systematics and individuality are not mutually exclusive. Part I. Dental Dialogue. 2001; 2: 140-154.
- G. Romeo. Tecnica di stratificazione nelle protesi in ceramica. Dental Network Magazine. 1997; 2:1-2.