Stefano Inglese, MDT
Dental Laboratory Stefano Inglese
Email :
Dental Address : Via Romolo Tranquilli 15 67057 Pescina Italy
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skype : stefanoinglese
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Biography sketch
After completing his degree in Dental Technology, Stefano Inglese pursued his strong interest in high-accuracy esthetic and functional of dental restorations, concentrating on dental ceramics.
Stefano inglese has perfected his technique and precision in esthetic, function and biological integration due to this passion for the artistic and scientific aspects of his profession and the participation in numerous courses and work experiences with renowned master technicians and clinicians abroad.
He is the owner of a dental laboratory in Pescina (Aq), Italy.
In 2003, he won the second prize in the “Occlusal compass” International competition for dental technicians and the first prize for the best scientific and photographic documentation.
He is a member of Oral Design
Active member of IAED (Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry).
Stefano Inglese writes for national and international dental journal , such as QDT (Quintessence of Dental Technology) 2012, 2014 and 2018 as well as for Quintessenz Zahntechnik.
He and Dr. Anthony Sclar contributed to the book “Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning II”, edited by M. Cohen.
He is an international speaker
He Collaborates with internationally renowned clinicians in Italy and abroad.
Stefano Inglese is the author of the book “Aesthetic dental Strategies”, published by Quintessence Publishers in 2013 and currently available in Italian, English, Chinese and Russian version.
List of publications
-Dr N. Otero , Dr J. Scartoon, Dr L. Pizzolante , CDT S. Inglese, Dr A Sclar, Dr W Fong
JPRD “The effect of implant abutment design on long-term soft tissue stability “ 840-847 vol 38,number 6, 2018
-QDT 2018 Quintessence of Dental Technology Emergence Profile: Relation Between
Morphology, Biology and Esthetics 229, 241
-QDT 2014 Quintessence of Dental Technology Tooth Morphology,Optical Phenomenas
and Esthetic Perception 158,170
-QDT 2012 Quintessence of Dental technology Customized Treatment for Esthetic
Success : A Case Report 209,222
-Dr Mirela Feraru, Stefano Inglese Dr Galit Talmor, Prof Nitzan Bichacho ,
REFLECT Ivoclar Esthetic Rehabilitation of Complex Clinical case
-Stefano Inglese
“Aesthetic Dental Strategies “
Art, Science and Technology BOOK Editor Quintessence 2018
List of presentations
-Bio-Functional and Esthetic Integration
-Visual Perception and Light phenomenas in Esthetic Dentistry
-Smile Design and Pre-Visualization in Esthetic Dentistry
-Soft tissue management and predictability in Implant Esthetics
List of hands-on courses
-Esthetic concepts and porcelain layering technique on refractory die
-Esthetic concepts and porcelain layering technique on disilicate
-Smile Design and pre visualization in esthetic dentistry
-Photo and Videos in Preparation
Clinical case photos