Takashi Takizawa, RDT
Oral Design Saiun
Email : takizawatakashi7@gmail.com
Dental Address : KT-Square Building 3F, 4-15-2 Kamikitazawa Setagaya-ku,
Tokyo 156-0057 Japan
Phone number : +81 3 6379 6977
Fax : +81 3 6379 6977
Website : oral-design-saiun.jimdo.com
Biography sketch
Mr. Takashi Takizawa is a graduated the Dental Technician School at Kanagawa Dental University in Yokosuka, Japan, and completed the post graduate program, Lab Tech School, at the International Dental Academy in Tokyo, Japan in 1995.
During he was a student of the International Dental Academy, he studied under Mr. Yasuhiro Odanaka and Mr. Kenji Uchiumi, who made him decide to be a ceramist.
List of publications
-Takashi Takizawa: Technical requirements to achieve aesthetic restoration of dentition-Points to consider under limited
clearance and soft tissue conditions Dental Technician 46 (1): 16-33, 2018.
-Takashi Takizawa: Clinical of metal ceramics Dental Technician 46 (1): 1-8, 2018.
-Takashi Takizawa: zero Vol.11 No.2 2012 spring S shape profile from the viewpoint of technical operation
- Aiming for harmony with periodontal tissue through a working model -
-Takashi Takizawa, Yoshinori Nameta: Indirect method inlay restoration using gradia, metal-free free dental diamond separate
volume, 146-153, 2002.
-Takashi Takizawa, Yoshinori Nameta: Multicolored construction of MFR hybrid ultra-hard resin "Gradia",
GC Circle, 96, 21-23, 2001.
-Takashi Takizawa, Yashinori Nameta: Features and aesthetics of the new hard resin for crown restoration,
QDT, 26, 1555-1564, 2001.
List of presentations
-Emergency profile and gingival morphology
-Brightness and color of dentin
-Frame form and color of occlusal porcelain
-Composite resin prosthesis
List of hands-on courses
-Basic porcelain build-up
-Premolar porcelain build-up
-Composite resin prosthesis
Clinical case photos
Symposium Lecture, Hands-on Courses History