Miguel Chilquillo Escobar

Oral Design Center San Sebastian 

                Email : 

 Dental Address : c/ Portueche, 45-B San Sebastian - 20018 Spain

  Phone number : +34 943423850

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             Website : 

Biography sketch

I'm from Peru and currently working in San Sebastian, Spain.


I started working in Mr. Geller's laboratory from the age of 22 until I was 36 years old and now I am with Mr. Eduardo in San Sebastián.


AI went to clean the windows of Mr. Geller's laboratory... and he proposed me to work in the laboratory with him... which seemed strange to me because I had no idea about that profession, but I accepted and we stayed for almost 15 years together.. during that time I learned something about ceramics


 List of publications 

List of presentations


List of hands-on courses




Clinical case photos