Luke Hasegawa
Luke Hasegawa Oraldesign LLC
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Dental Address : 1465 N Viewpoint Dr Fayetteville AR 72701
Phone number : +1-479-422-5802
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Biography sketch
Luke Hasegawa, CDT graduated from the dental technology school at Japan’s prestigious Niigata Dental University in 1995,
and completed the post-graduate program at the Tokyo Dental and Medical University in 1997.
He received the “Special Article Award” by the International Dental Technology Association in 1997 for the article titled
“Light Transmitted Porcelain and Composite Resin Material.”
The additional honors include the “Three Gold Medal Awards” from the Florida Dental Association Smile Competition in 2008.
Hehas had the privilege of being mentored by world pioneer technicians Mr. Willi Geller and Mr. Naoki Aiba. Luke was invited
to join
Mr. Geller's Oral Design group in 2009.
He lectures and gives hands-on courses worldwide.
In 1998, he immigrated to Canada from Japan as a dental technologist, and currently works at Dr. Dean McNeel’s in-house
laboratory since 2010. He resides with his wife and two daughters in Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA.
List of publications
List of presentations
List of hands-on courses
Clinical case photos
Symposium Lecture, Hands-on Courses History