The Oral Design Philosophy
It's one man and two words.
It's a passion, a sense of
sharing, values and feelings.
It's a seed that became a tree.
Fruits ripening at the rhythm of
the seasons of the entire planet.
The blazing red hyphen
of a logo proudly
displayed as a human and
professional recognition.
Whoever obtains it feels
gratified in their entire person.
Our humble contribution to the
art of Dentistry exalts itself in
leafing through the pages that
Willi wrote, the paths he paved
and the values he passed on.
Whoever obtains it knows
whom they owe it to; to their
righteousness, to their hard work,
and to the eye of a Master.
This human adventure is
second to none. It is unique
and singular, as is the one who
imagined it and gave it life.
The one who forgets their roots
never goes very far or gets lost.
May this identity logo always
remind us of the kindness
with which Willi Geller, our
Maestro, attributed to each.
and every one of us.
Let us be proud of the symbol;
young and less young let's
wear it far and brilliantly.
Our humble contribution to the
art of Dentistry exalts itself in
leafing through the pages that
Willi wrote, the paths he paved
and the values he passed on.
Each and every one of us has in
her, in him, a sense of fulfilment
thanks to the special relationship
kept with him. It is the translation
of gratitude. It lives with us
and accompanies us.
May this « who's who »,
this family album make
our union live.
In the world of dentistry and dental aesthetics, there are many skills, techniques, and materials that involve both the patient and the technician. Fulfilling a dream of beautiful and equally functional teeth isn’t just about doing the job. It’s rather a matter of living a vision of restoring values to life. Dental aesthetics is more than making teeth. It’s about reestablishing shapes, colors, traits that once were part of a person’s identity, meaning bringing back integrity and self-esteem by taking into consideration not only the shape of a tooth but also skin, age, temper, hair, and other characteristics of the patient. All over the globe, the Oral Design Foundation shares
the skills and experience to help other people not only look but to feel better.