Resin composite
- Terry DA. Using injectable resin composite: part one. Private Dentistry 2014; 77-81.
- Terry DA. A Predicable Resin Composite Injection Techniqe: Part II. Dentistry Today 2014; 80-85.
- Terry DA. A Predictable Resin Composite Injection Technique: Part I. Dentistry Today 2014;96-101.
- Terry DA, Swift EJ. Les reconstitution corono-radiculaires: d’hiera aujourd’d hui.
Dental Tribune DT Study Club Le Magazine 1. 2014
- Terry DA. What Other Restorative Material has so Many Uses: Flowables: Private Dentistry (July/Aug) 2013.
- Terry DA. Developing a Functional Composite Resin Provisional. Amer J Esthet Dent 2012;2(1):56-65.
- Terry DA. What Other Restorative Material has so Many Uses: Flowables: International Dentistry-Africa Edition 2012;3:42-58.
- Terry DA. What Other Restorative Material has so Many Uses: Flowables: TeamWork 2011;4:28-47.
- Terry DA. Cervical dentin hypersensitivity: etiology, diagnosis and management. Dent Today 2011;30(4):61,62,64,66,68.
- Terry DA, Blatz MB. Surface Treatments for Tooth-colored restorations: Part II. Dent Today 2011;30(3):126-131.
- Terry DA, Leinfelder K, Blatz M. Achieving aesthetic and restorative excellence using advanced biomaterial.
Part Five. Private Dent 2010.
- Terry DA. Blatz MB. Surface Treatments for Tooth-colored restorations: Part I. Dent Today 2010;29(8): 108-110.
- Terry DA, Leinfelder KF, Blatz MB. Achieving Aesthetic and Restorative Excellence Using an Advanced Biomaterials:
Part 1. - -Team Work 2010;3(4): 16-35.
- Terry DA, Leinfelder K, Blatz M. Achieving aesthetic and restorative excellence using advanced biomaterial.
Part Four. Private Dent 2010; 15(4): 89-90,92,94.
- Terry DA, Leinfelder K, Blatz M. Achieving aesthetic and restorative excellence using advanced biomaterial.
Part Three. Private Dent 2010; 15(4): 89-90,92,94.
- Terry DA, Leinfelder K, Blatz M. Achieving aesthetic and restorative excellence using advanced biomaterial.
Part Two. Private Dent 2010; 15(4): 89-90,92,94.
- Terry DA, Leinfelder K, Blatz M. Achieving aesthetic and restorative excellence using advanced biomaterial.
Part One. Private Dent 2010; 15(4): 89-90,92,94.
- Terry DA, Simplifying Posterior Restorations Using Self-Adhesive Systems. Dent Today 2010; 29(5): 100,102.
- Terry DA. Tric O, Blatz MB, Burgess JO. The custom impression tray: Fabrication and utilization. Dent Today
- Terry DA. Swift EJ. Post-and-core systems: past to present. Dent Today 2010; 29(1): 132,134-135.
- Terry DA, Leinfelder KF, Blatz MB. Achieving excellence using an advanced biomaterial:
part 2. Dent Today 2009;28(11):69-70,72,74,76-79.
- Terry DA, Powers JM, Paul S. Immediate dentin sealing technique. Team Work 2009;2(5): 36-38.
- Terry DA, Powers JM, Paul S. Immediate dentin sealing. Dent Today 2009;28(9):140-141.
- Terry DA, Leinfelder KF, Blatz MB. Achieving excellence using an advanced biomaterial:
part 1. Dent Today 2009;28(8):49-50,52-55.
-- Terry DA, Leinfelder KF, Blatz MB. A comparison of advanced resin monomer technologies. Dent Today 2009;28(7):122-123.
- Terry DA, Trajtenberg CP, Blatz MB. A review of dental tissue microstructure, biomodification, and adhesion.
Funct Esthet and Restor Dent 2008;2:2-9.
- Terry DA. Leinfelder KF. Composite resin restorations: a simplified approach. Private Dent 2008;13(3):24-38.
- Terry DA. Intracoronal restorations: Part II. Private Dent 2007;12(5):37-39.
- Terry DA. Intracoronal restorations: Part I. Private Dent 2007;12(4):48-52.
- Terry DA. The impression process: Part III – technique. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2007;19(1):27-9.
- Terry DA. Managing Stress with Composite Resin, Part II. Dent Today 2007;104-113.
- Terry DA. The impression process: Part II – application. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2006;18(10):636, 638, 640.
- Terry DA. Dental Luting Cements. Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry: Principles and Practice. Mahwah, NJ;
Montage Media Corporation, 2008; Chapter 12.
- Terry DA. Managing Stress with Composite Resin - Part I. Dent Today 2006;25(12):98, 104.Leinfelder KF, Terry DA.
Indirect composite resin systems: a clinical material review. Inside Dent 2006;2(9):46-50.
- Terry DA. Leinfelder KF. Developing of a processed composite resin restoration preparation and laboratory fabrication –
Part I. Inside Dent 2006;8(4):12-20.
- Terry DA. The impression process: Part I – Material selection. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2006;18(9):576-578.
- Terry DA. Leinfelder KF: Developing of a processed composite resin restoration preparation and laboratory fabrication –
Part I. Inside Dent 2006;2(7):68-71.
- Terry DA. Curing composite resin at elevated temperatures. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2006;18(8):495-498. Leinfelder KF,
- Terry DA. The indirect composite restoration generating superior marginal interfaces. Contemp Esthet 2006;10(8):58-63.
- Terry DA. Tooth surface lesions: prevention and treatment--part II. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2006;18(7):405-6, 408.
- Terry DA. A nonmechanical etiology: The adhesive design concept. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2006;18(6):385-391.
- Terry DA. Tooth surface lesions: Diagnosis--part I. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2006;18(6):357-9.
- Terry DA. Leinfelder KF, Lee EA, James A: The Impression: A Blueprint to Restorative Success. Inside Dent 2006;2(5):66-71.
- Terry DA. The evolution of the porcelain laminate veneer. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2006;18(5):318-20.
- Terry DA. Biomodification of Tooth Discoloration. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2006;18(4):226-229.
- Terry DA. Redefining Restorative Concept. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2006;18(3):161-162.
- Terry DA. Intracoronal restorations – Part II: indirect procedures Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2006;18(2):118-121.
- Terry DA. Antebi R: The Adhesive class iv design: Minimal preparation and biomodification. Inside Dent 2006;2(2)86-89.
- Terry DA. Intracoronal restorations – Part I: indirect procedures Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2006;18(1):25-27.
- Terry DA. Dentin Hypersensitivity: Part II Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2005;17(10):691-692.
- Terry DA. Dentin hypersensitivity: Part I. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2005;7(9):609-10, 612.
- Terry DA. Restoring the incisal edge, New York Society Dental Journal 2005;pp30-35.
- Terry DA. Achieving Clinical Success with Provisionals. Inside Dent October 2005
- Terry DA. Developing Posterior Composite Restorations: A Biomechanical Concept. Inside Dent October 2005
- Terry DA. Finishing and Polishing Adhesive Restorations: Part II. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2005;17(8)
- Terry DA. Finishing and Polishing Adhesive Restorations: Part I. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2005;17(7):477-478.
- Terry DA. Enhanced resilience and aesthetics in a class IV restoration. Dentistry South Africa 2005;7(4):40-48.
- Terry DA. Leinfelder KF, Maragos C: Developing form, function, and natural aesthetics with laboratory –
processed composite resin – Part II. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2005;17(7):449-454.
- Terry DA. Color matching: Part II – Objective Methods. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2005;17(6):401-402.
- Terry DA. Leinfelder KF, Maragos C: Developing form, function, and natural aesthetics with laboratory –
processed composite resin – Part I. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2005;17(5):313-318, 320.-
- Terry DA. Color matching: Part 1- Subjective Methods. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2005;17(5):347-348.
- Terry DA. The interim restoration. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2005;17(4):263-264.
- Terry DA. Perno-muones radiculares. Dent Dialogue (Spanish) 2005;1:36-45.
- Terry DA Clinical success using a low-shrinkage composite. Contemp Esthet Restor Pract 2005;9 No 5 pp52-54.
- Terry DA. Die approximale kompositfüllung. J Multidis Collab Restor Dent (German): 8 Jahrgang 2005 pp88-99.
- Terry DA. The evolution of preparation design. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2005;17(3):194-196.
- Terry DA. Indirect Intracoronal Restorations: Composite vs. Porcelain. Contemp Esthet Restor Pract 2005;9(4):30-32.
- Terry DA. An essential component to adhesive dentistry: The Rubber Dam, Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2005;17(2):106-107.
- Terry DA. Selecting a luting cement: Part II. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2005;17(1):28,31.
- Terry DA. Restoring the proximal zone utilizing the proximal adaptation technique-Part 2 Compend 2005,26(1):11-30.
- Terry DA. Selecting a luting cement: Part I. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2005;16(10):718-720.
- Terry DA, Leinfelder KF, Maragos C: Developing an intracoronal restoration with indirect composite resin Part 2.
Dent Today 2004;24(1).86-89.
- Terry DA, Leinfelder KF, Maragos C: Developing an intracoronal restoration with indirect composite resin Part 1.
Dent Today 2004;23(12):78-85.
- Terry DA. Restoring the proximal zone utilizing the proximal adaptation technique-Part1: Compend 2004;25(12):965-972.
- Terry DA.: Unparalled Strengh, Uncompromising Beauty. Compend (Special issue) 2004;25(10A)40-41.
- Terry DA. Geller W: Selection define designs. J Esthet Restor Dent 2004;16(4):213-226.
- Terry DA. Prehybridization of indirect restorative preparations. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2004;16(9):661-662.
- Terry DA: Wurzelstift aufbauten. (German) Teamwork – J Multi Collab Prosthodont, 7. Jahrgang 3/04 pp246-256.
- Terry DA: The cutting edge: instrumentation and preparation concepts. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2004;16(8):563-564.
- Terry DA: Detecting and Diagnosing Caries: Past to present Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2004;16(7):516-515.
- Terry DA: Restoring the intraradicular space with direct composite resins: Fiber reinforced post- and core system.
Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2004;16(6):417-422.
- Terry DA: Direct application of a nanocomposite resin system: Part 1 – The evolution of contemporary composite materials.
Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2004;16(6):417-422.
- Terry DA Improving adhesion: Total – etch versus self etching technologies. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2004;16(5):373-375.
- Terry DA: The dento-gingival complex part 2, Dent Today 2004;23(6):97-100.
- Terry DA, Leinfelder KF: An integration of composite resin with natural structure: The class IV restoration,
Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2004;16(3):235-242.
- Terry DA, Leinfelder KF: Preservation, conservation, and restoration of posterior tooth structure with advanced biomaterials,
Contemp Esthet Restor Pract 2004;8(5)46-60.
- Terry DA: The Dento-Gingival Complex Part 1; Dent Today 2004;23(5):99-103.
- Terry DA: Technological advances in detecting occlusal caries. AACD Monograph 2004;27-28.
- Terry DA: Application of nanotechnology, Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2004;16(3):220-222.
- Terry DA: Developing natural aesthetics with direct composite restorations, Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2004;16(1):45-52.
- Terry DA: Design principles for the direct fiber-reinforced composite resin post and core system. Dent Trib 2003;1(3):20-22.
- Terry DA: Design principles for the direct fiber-reinforced composite resin post and core system. Private Dent,
December 2003;60-70.
- Terry DA: Minimally invasive dentistry with composite resin:Part II of a Success story , Collaborative Tech 2003;3(3):14,16,18.
- Terry DA: Schichten schaffen mit hohem Licht, (German) Ästhetische Zahnmedizin 5/2003, pp30-44.
- Terry DA: Minimally invasive dentistry with composite resin: A success story in two parts,
Collaborative Tech Fall 2003;3(3):21-23.
- Terry DA, McGuire MK, Mclaren E, et al: Perioesthetic Approach to the diagnosis and treatment of carious and
noncarious cervical lesions: Part II J Esthet Restor Dent 2003;15(5):284-296.
- Terry DA: Color matching with composite resin: A synchronized shade comparison,
Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2003;15(7):515–521.
- Terry DA, McGuire MK, Mclaren E, et al: Perioesthetic approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of carious and
noncarious cervical lesions: Part I, J Esthet Restor Dent 2003;14(4):283-291.
- Terry DA: Adhesive Reattachment of a Tooth Fragment: The Biological Restoration,
Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2003;15(5): 430-409.
- Terry DA: Design and Principles for the Direct Fiber B Reinforced Composite Resin Post - and - Core System,
Contemp Esthet Resto Pract 2003;7(2):22-32
- Terry DA Dimensions of Color: Creating High B Diffusion Layers with Composite Resin, Compendium Suppl 2003;24(2):3-13
- Terry DA: Kompositaufbau eines frakturierten mittleren oberen scheidezahns (German): Interdiszipl J Proth Zahnheilkd
- Terry DA: Successful Calibration of Contemporary Articulator Devices: A Discussion,
Collaborative Techniques Winter 2002;19-20.
- Terry DA: 2002 Dental Delights: The Aesthetic Legends, Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2002;14(7):556-558.
- Terry DA, McGuire MK: The Perio-Aesthetic-Restorative Approach for Anterior Aesthet Reconstruction - Part II:
Restorative Treatment, Pract Proced Dent 2002;14(5):363-369
- Terry DA: Finishing and Polishing for Function, Esthetics, and Longevity 2002;2(2):3-14.
- Terry DA, McGuire MK: The Perio-Aesthetic-Restorative Approach for Anterior Reconstruction - Part I:
Evaluation and Periodontal Surgery, Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2002;14(4):283-291.
- Terry DA: Restoring posterior teeth using a new low shrinkage composite, Restorative Quarterly 2002;5(1):3-14.
- Terry DA: In the Practice with Dr. Ronald Goldstein: The art of good practice. Contem Esthet Restor Pract 2002:12-18.
- Terry DA: What other restorative material has so many uses? Supplement to Dental Economics. 2002:4-11.
- Terry DA, Geller, W, Tric, O, et al: Anatomical form defines color: Function, form, and aesthetics.
Pract Proced Aesth Dent 2002;14(1):59-68.
- Terry DA: Optical Integration with indirect posterior composite resin: the natural inlay, Contemporary Esthet Restor Pract
2002;6(1):38, 40-42,44,46, 50,51.
- Terry DA: If G.V. Black came back: Searching for excellence, Fall, J Cos Dent 2001;17.
- McLaren E,Terry DA: Photography in Dentistry. J Calif Dent Assoc 2001;29(10):735-742.
- Terry DA, McLaren E: Stratification: Ancient art form applied to restorative dentistry, Dentistry Today 2001;20(9).
- Terry DA: Fabrication of direct fiber-reinforced posts: A structural design concept, J Esthet Restor Dent 2001;13:220- 232.
- Terry DA: Stone Models Without Faces - Part III: An International Interview. Clinical Perspectives - Editorial Commentary,
Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2001;13.
- Terry DA, McLaren, E: The interproximal zone: A class III restoration. Contemp Esthet Rest Pract 2001;5(11):46, 50-52,54-56.
- McLaren E, Terry DA: An innovative material and technique for gingival retraction before Impressioning and final cementation,
Contemporary Esthetic and Restorative Practice 2001;5(7):2,4-7.
- Terry DA: Mastering the technique of direct posterior composite resins, Contemporary Esthetic and Restorative Practice
- Terry DA: Stone Models Without Faces - Part II: An International Interview. Laboratory Perspectives - Editorial Commentary,
Practical Procedures & Aesthetic Dentistry 2001;13(4):311-313.
- Terry DA: Learning to smile: The Neuroanatomic Basis for smile training, J Esthet and Restor Dent 2001;13(1):20-27.
- Terry DA: Optimal Esthetics Results with Indirect posterior composite resins, Compendium 2001;22(2):
- Terry DA: Touati, B: Clinical considerations for aesthetic laboratory-fabricated inlay/onlay restorations: A review,
Practical Procedures & Aesthetic Dentistry 2001;13(1):51-58.
- Terry DA: Replace of the incisal angle in aged dentition, Compendium 2000;21(9):754-758.
- Terry DA: Dentistry, Friendships, and Beyond: EAED/BAAD 2000 Millennium Meeting - Editorial Commentary,
Practical Periodontics & Aesthetic Dentistry 2000;12(7):681.
- Terry DA: Utilizing of a Small- Particle Composite Resin for Anterior and Posterior Restorations, Practical Periodontics &
Aesthetic Dentistry 2000;12(4):371-378.
- Terry DA: The Polychromatic Stratification Technique: Charisma7 Class IV with Durafill7 as the Veneer,
Verbatim 2000;2(1):9-12.
- Terry DA: The Techniques, Section 3, Porcelain Veneers for Diastema Closure and Color Change with Maximum Preparation,
Reality Publishing Co., 2000;14:3-296.
- Terry DA: The Techniques, Section 3, Posts and Cores, Reality Publishing Co 2000;14:3-347-348.
- Terry DA: Enhanced Resilience and Esthetics in a Class IV Restoration, Compendium, Supplement 2000;(26):19-25.
- Terry DA: In my view, J Cosmet Dent 2000;16(1):52.
- Terry DA: A case report: Direct Composite Resin Restoration of Adolescent Class IV Tooth Fracture, Practical Periodontics &
Aesthetic Dentistry 2000;12(1):23-29.
- Terry DA: The Importance of Laboratory Communication in Modern Dental Practice, Stone Models Without Faces,
Practical Periodontics & Aesthetic Dentistry 1999;(9):1125-1132.
- Terry DA: 13th Scientific Meeting of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry - Editorial Commentary,
Practical Periodontics & Aesthetic Dentistry 1999;11(7):829-832.
- Terry DA: Case Report: Direct Reconstruction of the Maxillary Anterior Dentition With Composite Resin,
Practical Periodontics & Aesthetic Dentistry 1999;11(3):361-367.
- Terry DA: Case Study: IPS Empress Crown On The Maxillary Right Central Incisor,
Journal of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Winter 1999;52-59.
- Terry DA: Case Study: Eight Indirect Veneers, Journal of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Summer, 1998;16-24.
- Terry DA: The Techniques, Section 3 Porcelain Veneers for Diastema Closure and Color Change with Maximum Preparation,
Reality Publishing Co 1999;13:3-300.
- Terry DA: The Lowdown on Calculus, January, 1998.
- Terry DA: EMERGENCY, February, 1998.
- Terry DA: Toothbrush Tips, March, 1998.
- Terry DAA: Beware of Bargains in Parachutes, April, 1998.
- Terry, DA: Cosmetic Bonding, May, 1998.
- Terry, DA: Bruxism, June, 1998.
- Terry, DA: Beautiful Smiles Are Contagious, July, 1998.
- Terry, DA: Importance of Oral Hygiene, August, 1998.
- Terry, DA: Let’s Make a Good Health New Years Resolution, January, 1997.
- Terry, DA: How to keep Your Cosmetic Bonding Fit as a Fiddle, February, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Re-care Visits Good Health Intervention, March, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Facts About Dentistry, March, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Dentistry: A Cost Effective Approach to Health, April, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Modern Dentistry and Whole Health, April, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Tobacco Just Say No, May, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Why Do Wisdom Teeth Often Have to be Removed, June, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Preparing Your Child (or Grandchild) For Their First Visit, June, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Improve Your Habits for Better Health, July, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Mouth Rinses Improve Gum Disease, August, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Invest in Your Smile with Porcelain Veneers, September, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Retain Your Smile for a Lifetime, October, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Pamper Your Teeth, November, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Protect Your Child’s Smile With Tooth Sealants, December, 1997.
- Terry, DA: Diabetes and Dentistry, January, 1996.
- Terry, DA: Moms-To-Be and Their Oral Health, February, 1996.
- Terry, DA: Prevention Is The Key To A Healthy Mouth, March, 1996.
- Terry, DA: Saving Money With Prevention, April, 1996.
- Terry, DA: How to Manage Dental Anxieties, May, 1996.
- Terry, DA: Serious Stuff - The Right Stuff, June, 1996.
- Terry, DA: You Are One of A Kind, July, 1996.
- Terry, DA: Down Home Dentistry, August, 1996.
- Terry, DA: The Smile Gallery’s Dental News on Gum Disease, September, 1996.
- Terry, DA: Breaking Old Habits, October, 1996.
- Terry, DA: October is National Hygiene Month, October, 1996.
- Terry, DA: Dental Research Update, November, 1996.
- Terry, DA: Dental X-Rays - For Your Good Health, December, 1996.
- Terry, DA: Dreaming of A White Christmas, December, 1996.
- Terry, DA: The Smile Gallery’s Dental News for Your Good Health, January, 1995.
- Terry, DA: Show Off Our Best Smile, January, 1995.
- Terry, DA: Tongue Brushing, February, 1995.
- Terry, DA: Bleaching, Bonding and Veneers, March, 1995.
- Terry, DA: Oral Health and Nutrition, April, 1995.
- Terry, DA: An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure, May, 1995.
- Terry, DA: You Are One of a Kind, June, 1995.
- Terry, DA: Toothbrush Tips, July, 1995.
- Terry, DA: Crowns for Royalty - Bridges Over Troubled Dentition, August, 1995.
- Terry, DA: How Tooth Sealants Work, September, 1995.
- Terry, DA: Whiten Your Smile, October, 1995.
- Terry, DA: Focus On Your Smile, November, 1995.
- Terry, DA: Root Canal Therapy, December, 1995.