The 2010 Oral Design Symposium in Yokohama. The concept is to share knowledge from Willi Geller and from other's experiences
The international Oral Design Foundation held its fourth Symposium, after Minneapolis, Melbourne and New York, this time in Yokohama from the 7th to 10th of October 2010. It was organized in conjunction with the Quintessence, 6th World Dental Meeting, which attracted some 4.000 visitors from around the world.
In order to maintain its commitment to provide top-class education, the non-profit organization frequently hosts Symposiums, with the help of industry sponsors as well as with their own funds. An Oral Design Symposium typically consists of one or two day lectures followed by a two day hands-on course with the “Maestro” Willi Geller.
Commitment to provide top-class education.
This year, 52 participants from all over the world booked the hands-on course in which Willi demonstrated his unique philosophy and shared the love for his work. Such a high amount of attendants cannot be appropriately managed by one lecturer alone, and so over 40 oral design members had travelled from near and far to lend a hand. Divided into groups, they were able to coach each participant individually and directly. This is the unique concept of the Symposium! Not only do the course participants get the opportunity to learn from Willi Geller, but also to obtain further background knowledge through the exchange with other experts of the group.
The lecturing symposium, which attracted an audience of 1.500 visitors, was organized by Yasuhiro Odanaka (Oral Design Saiun, Tokyo). Apart from his own lecture, which he presented in conjunction with Dr Yoshinori Nameta, further lectures were presented by Giuseppe Zuppardi, Naoki Aiba, Juergen Mehrhof, Dr Giuseppe Allais, Willi Geller, Takashi Takizawa, Kenji Uchimi and Tetsuro Kubo. On the last day and under the roof of the Quintessence 6th World Dental Meeting, the event organizers managed to offer the audience a unique treat, when the stage was shared by Willi
Geller, Shigeo Kataoka, Makoto Yamamoto and Hitoshi Aoshima.
The Oral Design Symposium in Yokohama was a great success. We like to thank our industry partners Dekema, Cendres Metaux, Creation Willi Geller, FACT inc. Japan and Nobel Biocare for their ongoing financial support and help.
.Sascha Hein, Perth Australia(2010)